15 years ago, my family went through a crisis when my husband lost his job and we had to sell pretty much everything we owned—including our home.
I began teaching paint parties to make extra money. One party quickly led to another…then another…then another.
In addition to being fun and profitable, these parties were helping others to heal, to spend time with loved ones, and to take a break from life’s stress and leave with something beautiful.
After a few years of this, it dawned on me that there was more demand for parties than I could possibly fill—and that I could do more good by teaching other women (like you!) to start your own paint party business.
That’s how Paint Party Headquarters was born.
Now I'm so blessed to be able to show amazing people around the world how to take back control of their finances and start doing what they LOVE for a living—just like I did.
We've got a wonderful community at PPHQ. I hope you'll join us!
With gratitude,